Notes to authors
Authors submitting articles or reviews are asked to please observe the following guidelines. English-language articles are published in American English and in general follow a slightly modified version of The Chicago Manual of Style Author-Date format for text and footnotes.
See the journal’s somewhat different format for notes in the section Bibliographic references below. Please proofread your manuscript carefully before submitting it to the Editorial Board, and in particular use the available computer tools to check spelling,
eliminate double spaces, etc.
All texts must be submitted via e-mail to the editors in .rtf or .doc format only. And please do not neglect to provide, along with your full name and title, your academic affiliation or, alternatively, your place of residence. Please note that the Editorial Board requests that authors should avoid as much as possible sending different, successive versions of articles or reviews. Études Chinoises sends authors off-prints only in digital format. If you have any questions on the preparation of your manuscript, please do not hesitate to contact the editors of Études Chinoises at Please use the same address for the submission of your article. For additional information on the journal, see the AFEC (Association Française d’Études Chinoises) website:
Please provide the following information to accompany your article:
Author, Author identification
First name, Last name
Author identification, title and affiliation
French, English, or Chinese
Abstracts contain about 2,000 characters including spaces. Please provide an abstract in one of these three languages; Études Chinoises will furnish the translations into the other two languages.
French, English, or Chinese
A minimum of 8 keywords is requested, including at least one indicating the academic field of the article.
Article content
Études Chinoises is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes articles related to ancient, imperial, modern and contemporary China and the Chinese world. Articles present the results of original research that has not yet been published in any other format.
Articles contain between 40,000 and 80,000 characters, including footnotes and spaces. Submissions received are presented for evaluation by at least two anonymous readers who recommend their suitability for publication. The readers’ comments are sent to the prospective authors.
Research notes are more narrowly focused on individual ongoing research and contain approximately 30,000 characters, including footnotes and spaces.
Book reviews contain between 7,000 and 12,000 characters, including spaces, depending on the length of the text under review and its academic value. See Book reviews below.
Typographic style
Texts submitted for publication should not be in any special format or contain any preformatted style or typography other than italics and boldface. Please avoid automatic formatting, including bullets, auto-numbering, and the like, as well as automatic hyphenation, headers and footers, tabulated material or similar styles. Please use curly quotation marks (“/”) around all quotations and single quotation marks (‘/’) for citations within quoted text. Do not use straight or non-English style quotation marks (“, ‘ and « ). Text should be paginated.
Font, characters and romanization
For the font, please use 12 point Times New Roman. Footnotes should be numbered automatically and continuously throughout the document. Chinese characters should be in Unicode PMingLiU.
Please use either Simplified or Standard Characters consistently throughout; do not mix the two styles. Characters are set in the body of the text following the transcription in pinyin, with the exception of conventional spellings of proper names (Lee Teng-hui, Sun Yat-sen, etc.), Taiwanese proper names, or names normally transcribed from non-Mandarin dialects, such as Cantonese. Be sure to leave a space before and after all Chinese characters.
For translations of terms, etc., the pinyin appears in parentheses, in lower-case italics.
Geographical names are not inserted in Chinese characters. All geographical names should be in pinyin with the exception of certain traditional usages. Example: Hong Kong instead of Xianggang.
Characters and dates of dynasties are given at the first occurrence. For emperors, please give the reign dates in parentheses at the first occurrence: Qianlong 乾隆 (r. 1736-1795).
Common terms are given after the English translation in the body of the text.
Example: vernacular novel (tongsu xiaoshuo 通俗小説).
Chinese and Japanese personal names are given in the traditional order of Last Name First Name, including the names of the authors in citations. Proper names are given in the body of the text, and birth and death dates are given when they are known. Example: Wang Anshi 王安石 (1021-1086).
Common terms (example: guanxi) and titles of books are italicized; proper names, translations of titles, and geographical names are in roman characters. Examples: Chunqiu 春秋 (Spring and Autumn Annals), Huang Ming jingshi wen bian (Statecraft writings of the august Ming).
Citations, illustrations and footnotes
Short citations (less than two lines) should be inserted in the body of the text between quotation marks (“/”). For Chinese citations the characters follow the translation between parentheses. Example: The role of the state is central as “there is no way for a single person or a single family to escape disaster on their own even if they exert every effort” (一身一家,無勠力自免之理).
Longer citations should be inserted without quotation marks, in 11 point type, indented 1/2 in. on the left. The text of citations in Chinese should be included in a footnote. All citations in foreign languages must be translated, with the exception of citations in French.
Illustrations are to be submitted in high definition format, 300 dpi minimum (file types: .tiff, .dpi,.tiff, .eps, .jpeg). The images must be either in the public domain and therefore reusable without having to pay reproduction rights, or the author must provide the authorizations for use from the rightful owners. The illustrations are not inserted in the text of a paragraph, but are set as a text block at the desired location with complete information (Title / Illustration / Caption / Credit). Figure references in the text are referred to as (Fig. 00).
Illustrations must have a title and a number. The illustrations can include a caption and a credit line.
Illustration / Title Figure 1. Title of illustration |
Caption. This is an example of a presentation. |
Credit/source of the illustration. Publisher or collection. |
Footnotes must be inserted with the footnote function of your word processor and numbered continuously. Do not insert footnotes in the following elements: Title or subtitle of the article; epigraph, acknowledgement or dedication; author’s name and affiliation; table, illustration, illustration title, caption or credit; Bibliography.
Bibliographic references
As noted above, references in English-language articles in general follow a slightly modified version of The Chicago Manual of Style Author-Date format for bibliographic references and footnotes. Contributors may consult the relevant chapter of the Chicago Manual online at The most important distinction is that Études Chinoises uses the short-form reference in all footnotes; references are to a separate, complete Bibliography at the end of the article.
In order to facilitate the automation of bibliographic tasks, we ask you to provide the ISBN number at the end of the reference and in square brackets ([/]): this will not appear in the bibliography but will facilitate the creation of the bibliographic database. For a Journal, please provide the ISSN. See the examples below.
When a reference is identical from one note to another, it should be given in form as at the first occurrence; do not use abbreviations such as ibidem, ibid., idem, op. cit., etc.
Other important differences between the Chicago Manual Author-Date format and the reference formats for Études Chinoises include the use of Capitals and SMALL CAPITALS for the family names – unfortunately we were not able to implement small capitals in the following examples which are in full capital – of the author or authors. (For Windows, the keyboard shortcut for small capitals is Ctl+Shift+K. For Mac, the keyboard shortcut is Command+Shift+K.) Also note the use of p. for page (p. 12) and pp. for pages (pp. 123-134); and note that continuous page
number are written out in full.
Multiple citations from the same source in one footnote are cited as follows:
Bray and Métailié, 2001, pp. 333, 339.
Dai Wenhe, 2012, pp. 26, 424-425.
Chen Zilong, Huang Ming jingshi wen bian, 1962, juan 490, pp. 32b, 34b.
Translations of titles in Chinese appear in square brackets ([/]). See the following examples:
Bibliography: LEYS, Simon, 1998, Essais sur la Chine, Paris: Robert Laffont. [9782221085394]
Sample note: LEYS, 1998, pp. 245-280.
Conference volume
Bibliography: PETERSON, Willard J., Andrew H. PLAKS and Ying-shih YÜ (eds.), 1994, The Power of Culture: Studies in Chinese Cultural History, Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. [9789622015968]
Sample note: PETERSON, 1994, pp. 200-210.
Book in Chinese
Bibliography: WANG Xinhua 王新華, 2001, Zhongyi jichu lilun 中醫基礎理論 [Fundamental theory of Chinese medicine], Beijing: Renmin weisheng chubanshe. [9787513234351]
Sample note: WANG Xinhua, 2001, pp. 244-245.
Chinese text pre-20th century, including the publication date of the edition cited.
Bibliography: SIMA Qian 司馬遷 (ca. 145-90 BCE), 1982, Shiji 史記 [Records of the Grand Historian], Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 10 vols. [9781316460177]
Sample note: SIMA Qian, Shiji, 1982, juan 117, p. 3002.
Chapter in a book
Bibliography: GOOSSAERT, Vincent, 2013, “A Question of Control: Licensing Local Ritual Specialists in Jiangnan, 1850-1950,” in LIU Shufen, Paul R. KATZ (eds.), Xinyang, shijian yu wenhua tiaoshi: Proceeding of the Fourth International Sinology Conference 信仰、實踐與文化調適 . 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 論 文 集 , Taipei: Academia Sinica, pp. 569-604. [9789860392722]
Sample note: GOOSSAERT, 2013, pp. 580-581.
Journal article
Bibliography: JAMI, Catherine and HAN Qi, 2003, “The reconstruction of imperial mathematics in China during the Kangxi reign (1662-1722),” Early Science and Medicine, no. 8 (2), pp. 88-110. [1383-7427]
Sample note: JAMI, 2003, pp. 88-90.
Bibliography: CHENG, Yansheng, comp., 程演生辑录, 1981, “Yuanmingyuan kao” 圆明园考 [Research on the Yuanmingyuan], Yuanmingyuan 1, 圆明园,第一集, pp. 95-114. [ISSN]
Sample note: CHENG, 1981, pp. 100-104.
Online reference
Bibliography: Battle of Qurman, East Turkestan battle paintings from 1760,, accessed 5 October 2021.
Sample note: Battle of Qurman, Historical Background, “3. The Battle of Oroi-jalatu,”, accessed 5 October 2021.
PhD dissertation
Bibliography: HUANG, Harrison Tse-Chang, 2010, “Excursion, Estates and the Kingly Gaze: The Landscape Poetry of Xie Lingyun,” PhD dissertation, University of California, Berkeley. Link:, accessed 5 October 2021.
Sample note: HUANG, 2010, pp. 300-325.
Book reviews
Book reviews are written at the request of the Editorial Board only. If you would like to be contacted to submit reviews, please write to the Editorial Board with details of your field(s) of expertise. You may, additionally, bring the publication of a work you feel merits a review to the attention of the Editorial Board, with the proviso that Études Chinoises only reviews recently-published works.
Études Chinoises accepts reviews of books in Chinese and will in future review special issues of academic journals.
Agreeing to write a book review for Études Chinoises means that you have not already reviewed the same work for another journal and will not review it in the future for another journal.
Please respect the deadlines imposed by the editors of the journal, who will notify you when the review copy is sent, the deadline generally being three months after the delivery of the work to be reviewed. The maximum length of a book review is 12,000 characters, including spaces.
The reviewer does not take final possession of the work under review until the Editorial Board officially notifies him or her of the receipt of the final text of the review.
A book review may not be written in conjunction with the author of the work under review and, conversely, it should not constitute a personal attack. In either case, the Editorial Board reserves the right not to publish the review. Book reviews follow the same style guidelines as articles and research notes. They must include the Chinese characters for important names and terms following the transcription in pinyin. Book reviews, however, do not have footnotes, but a limited number of references may appear in-text, in parentheses, including publication information normally found in a note.