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Call for papers – 3rd China and The Middle East Conference

3rd China and The Middle East Conference : Asia to the Middle East : Asianization of the Middle East with Economic Characteristics ?

Shanghai University, China

June 7-8, 2017

Organized by : Center for Turkish Studies and Center for Global Studies, Shanghai University 上海大学

Description and Objectives :

Over the last two years, with the One Belt One Road initiative, we have seen the increase of Chinese political and social activities in the Middle East region. As a result of this new political strategy, the PRC started to play a more active role within the Middle Eastern political arena. Hence, Xi Jinping visited Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. Additionally, Chinese social and cultural activities began to appear more visibly within universities and educational institutions in the Middle East. Hanban Institutes started to open and finance Confucius Institutes in the region that facilitate Chinese cultural and language classes and promote mutual understanding between China and the Middle East. For example, these institutes have arisen in Turkey, Israel, Iran, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Jordan, UAE, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Morocco. China has also become one of the largest economic and trade partners with Middle Eastern states such as Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt, and Israel. Therefore, we would like to make this academic initiative a permanent conference meeting, and each year, we will organize a China and the Middle East Conference in different countries in collaboration with other universities. We organized two very successful academic conferences on this topic in collaboration with Beijing University, on March 17-18, 2015, and Qatar University, on March 23-24, 2016.

This year we have expanded the conference topic to the broader context of Asia and Central Asia. All submissions should be related to contemporary themes of sociology, political science, international relations, history and anthropology during and post-Cold War Era. We therefore invite submissions on the following and related topics :

  • China, Islam and the Middle East
  • Central Asia, Islam and the Middle East
  • Japan, Islam and the Middle East

The Center for Turkish Studies and Center for Global Studies at Shanghai University invites interested scholars and advanced graduate students to submit proposals for the conference below. The event will take place at Shanghai University, June 7 – 8, 2017. Please submit a 300-word paper proposal to Dr. Tugrul Keskin ( by APRIL 3, 2017. We acknowledge receipt of all emails and will reply to all. If you do not receive a reply, please resend your abstract. Please include the following in your email :

  • Author name ;
  • Affiliation ;
  • Email address ;
  • Abstract in Word format ;
  • Title of your paper
  • A short CV.

Acceptance notices will be sent by April 10, 2017.

In case your abstract is accepted, a draft paper of around 5000 words is due two weeks prior to the beginning of the conference. We intend to compile an edited volume with the best papers for publication in an international reference publisher.


Please note that this is an academic conference only, no non-academic presenters will be accepted.

Any additional queries should be sent to

Organizing Committee :

  • Dr. Guo Changgang, Professor – Shanghai University, China.
  • Dr. Mohammedmoin Sadeq, Professor – Qatar University, Qatar.
  • Dr. Chen Hao, Assistant Professor – Shanghai University, China.
  • Dr. Tugrul Keskin, Associate Professor – Shanghai University, China.
  • Dr. Mark Juergensmeyer, Professor – University of California at Santa Barbara, USA.
  • Dr. Hatsuki Aishima, Associate Professor – National Museum of Ethnology, Japan.
  • Dr. Nissim Otmazgin, Professor – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
  • Dr. Tarik Yousef, Senior Fellow and Director, Brookings Doha Center, Qatar.
  • Dr. Mustafa Kibaroğlu, Professor – MEF University, Turkey.
  • Dr. Sean Foley, Middle Tennessee State University, USA.
  • Dr. Mojtaba Mahdavi, Associate Professor – University of Alberta, Canada.
  • Dr. Can Ulusoy, Assistant Professor – Maltepe University, Turkey.
  • Dr. Saban Kardas, Associate Professor – TOBB University, Turkey.
  • Dr. Sari Hanafi, Professor – American University of Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Dr. Juan Cole, Professor – University of Michigan, USA.
  • Dr. Yunus Emre, Associate Professor – Kultur University, Turkey.
  • Dr. Geoffrey Gresh, National Defense University, USA.
  • Dr. Yang Chen, Post-Doctoral Fellow – Shanghai University, China.

Conference Program

June 7, 2017

9:15 – 9:30 Welcome Speech and Introduction by Dr. Guo Changgang, Professor – Shanghai University, People’s Republic of China. 9:30 – 9:50 Keynote Speech by Dr. Pan Guang, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, People’s Republic of China.

1. Panel 1 : 10:00 – 11:45

12:00-13:00 PM Lunch

2. Panel 2 : 13:15-15:00

3. Panel 3 : 15:15-17:00

DINNER 18:00 – 20:00

June 8, 2017

4. Panel 4 : 10:00 – 12:00

12:15-13:15 PM Lunch

5. Panel 5 : 13:30 – 15:30

6. Discussion for future projects and Closing Remarks by TBA 16:00 – 17:00

DINNER 18:00 – 20:00


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Fiorella B. (6 janvier 2017). Call for papers – 3rd China and The Middle East Conference. Association française d'études chinoises 法國漢學協會. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse

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